In the realm of financial services, Heap® emerged as a trailblazing brand project created by Norgram. Pioneering the concept of the first all-digital pension product, Heap® was determined to disrupt the conventional business model by aligning itself with a contemporary and adaptable work culture to revolutionize the pension industry with a service that resonated with the modern generation.
Presenting this visionary concept to their parent company, TopDanmark, was no small feat, but with Norgram's assistance, the vision was effectively conveyed and the project secured funding to proceed. The journey continued with the dedicated team at Norgram working diligently to unveil the full digital brand and product experience to the public.
As the project took shape, Norgram delved into the intricate details of constructing a brand identity that was not only dynamic and digitally driven but also infused with a human touch. They recognized the significance of showcasing the stories of real people, putting them at the forefront of the brand. This move aimed to emphasize that pension planning was not merely a cold and calculated numbers game; instead, it stood for securing people's futures above everything else.
It was an exciting step forward in the financial industry, heralding an era of innovation that put the power back into the hands of individuals seeking financial security for their future.